Theory test failed, and now what?
If you miss your theory exam too often, it's not the end of the world. Then it's a new try, a new luck! Here you can find out what to do if you fail.
It can happen to anyone: Too many mistakes made... failed! That is of course annoying, but nothing is lost yet. The motto is: Practice, practice, practice and on to the next attempt. Failure means first of all only one thing: the test must be repeated.

Fault points until failure
Have I failed with a false answer yet? Or two? When will it be? In the theory exam category B (first purchase) you may make up to ten mistake points. It takes 11 points to get out. The situation is different, however, if two questions with five error points each are blurred. Then one failed unfortunately despite the permitted error maximum. This special regulation is justified by the fact that certain topics (e.g. "right of way") are so important that in "real" road traffic one should not be twice wrong with one's decision.
Repeat deadlines
If it didn't work out in the first attempt, you can't start the next attempt on the same day. According to the law, "a reasonable period" (usually two weeks) must have passed before you can try again. But there is also a sense to that - so there is time to cramm a lot again, to pester your driving instructor with questions and maybe even to repeat one or the other topic in theory lessons.
Of course you can also wait longer than the usual 14 days for the retest - each test costs money, so you should be sure that the material really fits this time. However, don't take too long with the repetition: Within one year after the application confirmation you should have repeated the theoretical examination, otherwise the application loses its validity. As a rule, however, this is not a problem, as the driver's license application is only submitted shortly before the theory test anyway and there is enough room to take the theory test.
Possible causes
After failing, you should definitely ask yourself why. Were the questions too difficult? Were the questions not clear enough? Were there any careless mistakes? Was the stress too much or was it the exam anxiety?
If fear of the exam is the only reason, but you have learnt enough, then you should look at stress management and perhaps create a better starting position for the exam. Because those who have failed once will certainly be even more nervous next time.
But if the cause was a lack of knowledge, it means: learning, learning, learning. An online driving licence training course such as Fahren Lernen Max. In the guided learning path you work through all questions. If you have problems with a question, you answer it until it's safe. Only when all the questions are answered the exam simulation starts. If you successfully complete the exam simulations, the traffic light will turn green and you are ready for the exam.
If you don't understand a question, you will find various learning aids in Fahren Lernen Max that explain the question in more detail and help you answer it.

Understanding instead of memorizing
Due to new question formats, it is no longer sufficient to learn all questions by heart. Due to the varied picture and video questions, this is not possible at all. Instead, you must really understand the questions.
That's how it'll work next time!
Go back to question training.
Make as many exam simulations as possible
Keep a clear head in the test.

Find your driving school
You haven't even started with your driver's license yet and are already afraid of failing? It doesn't need to be! In our search you will find exactly the right driving school that prepares you perfectly for your exams. Address your exam anxiety and get good advice from the beginning.