The practical test: tips and frequently asked questions
Stay cool: With these tips you can take the practical test calmly. You will also receive answers to frequently asked questions.
Here are some tips for your practical exam:
- Trust your driving instructor: He knows when you're ready!
- The less people know about your exam, the less pressure it puts on your shoulders.
- Don't let horror stories unsettle you! The exam doesn't ask for anything you haven't practiced.
- Believe in yourself and your ability: Your driving instructor does, too, otherwise he wouldn't have signed you up for the exam.
- Come well rested and punctually to the agreed meeting place and plan calmly a small buffer!
- Even if it's hard to get excited, don't take the test on an empty stomach. Eat light food and drink enough. Alcohol is of course taboo.
- Think about the necessary documents (identity card and your old driving licence, if applicable) and your glasses if you have to wear a visual aid when driving. Clarify with your driving school whether you have to bring the training certificate and the examination fee yourself or whether the driving school interprets both for you.
- "You never get a second chance to make a first impression!" With a friendly greeting of the examiner you already collect first plus points.
- Show on the exam what your driving instructor taught you. Unfortunately not every situation can be practiced beforehand. Therefore also apply your knowledge from the theoretical lessons.
- Know the difficult spots from your test area: With the videos from your test area in the Drivers Cam App, you can easily prepare them.
- Don't let pushy or aggressive drivers get you upset.
- If the examiner gives instructions during the exam that you do not understand, do not hesitate to ask. This doesn't leave a bad impression, nor does it mean that you won't pass the practical driving test.
- If there's no order from the driving examiner, you have to drive straight ahead. However, always pay attention to appropriate traffic signs, which can, for example, regulate the right of way or set a speed limit.
- Stay concentrated until the end and don't let small mistakes unsettle you. You can compensate for this by good behaviour in other situations.

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