Exam nerves with the driving licence
Sweaty hands, nervousness and then a total blackout - the driving test is an exceptional situation for many people. But there are ways to protect oneself from the fear of examination and its consequences. You can find out what they are here.
It's like a curse: You passed the exam simulations at home on your PC with flying colours and you're totally on the line in the theory exam. Just perfectly parked during the driving hours and stalled the engine with the inspector on board. Exam fear is a particularly nasty spectre because it leads to the fact that one is no longer able to recall its existing ability. Reason enough to take a closer look at the phenomenon.

What exactly is exam anxiety?
According to the encyclopedia, examination anxiety is the fear of personal performance being evaluated. While exam anxiety may spur some people on to perform better, for most people the opposite is true: they are blocked and suddenly know nothing at all.
The greater the fear, the worse the performance.
Often the beginning for later examination anxiety is already laid in childhood. Poor performance at school or in physical education is often the reason for this. Those who had to experience failure at an early stage develop lower self-esteem and thus an even greater fear of new exam situations. The greater the fear of the exam, the greater the drop in performance. Who has only slight anxiety before the driving test, concentrates thereby better and also cuts off better. If, however, the fear increases, the failure in the test becomes more and more probable. The important thing is how to deal with your exam anxiety. In the USA, for example, it is recognised as a disability. Examinees can therefore apply for special examination procedures there, which is unfortunately not the case in Germany. Therefore, the first thing that helps is to be well prepared and to take the test with a head as cool as possible.
Here we have put together possible strategies for your theory exam and practical exam and created a checklist with tips for you.

Find your driving school
You haven't even started with your driver's license yet and are already afraid of failing? It doesn't need to be like this! In our search you will find exactly the right driving school that prepares you perfectly for your exams. Address your exam anxiety and get good advice from the beginning.