Driver's license despite paraplegia?
No problem.
Although paraplegia represents a severe impairment in life, one does not have to do without a driving licence and the freedom associated with it! With the appropriate technical modifications to the vehicle and a successful road safety certificate, nothing stands in the way of obtaining a driving licence and driving a car afterwards.
Here you can find out under which conditions you can participate in road traffic as a paraplegic.

Please note:
Depending on whether the paraplegia occurred before or after obtaining the driving licence, different procedures must be followed.
1. Paraplegia before driving licence
Basically, the training path hardly differs from that of people without paraplegia. However, before registering with a driving school, an application for a disability driving licence must be submitted to a competent authority. This authority will then determine to what extent the existing paraplegia affects driving and which expert opinions (medical, MPU, technical, driving test) are required for the road safety certificate. You can find more information about the different expert opinions here.
Above all, the technical report is relevant for people suffering from paraplegia. Here it is recorded which modifications to the vehicle or technical aids are necessary in order to be able to drive the vehicle safely despite the restrictions. After that, a driving test is usually ordered, which is supervised by an officially recognised expert and a driving instructor. When the road safety certificate is issued, nothing stands in the way of mobility.
Register with a driving school that specialises in this area and has such converted vehicles and appropriately trained driving instructors!
2. Paraplegia after driving licence
If you suffer from paraplegia after you have already obtained a driving licence, you must report this to the relevant driving licence authority. The authority must then check whether or which modifications to the vehicle or technical aids are necessary in order to ensure continued mobility. In addition, training hours must take place in the adapted vehicle. These modifications can also be ordered from driving schools that are well versed in this field.

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