Driving licence disappeared
Driving without a driving licence
It can happen fast. A little carelessness and the driver's license is gone. Whether stolen with the whole purse or just lost. But what now?
As soon as you notice the absence of your driving license, you should act. According to § 4 Abs. 2 Fahrerlaubnis-Verordnung (FeV) the driving licence must be carried during every journey. Otherwise you commit a misdemeanour and pay a fine of 10 €.
To prevent this from happening, you must apply for a substitute driver's license at the local driving license authority. Depending on how busy the responsible driving licence office and Bundesdruckerei are, the processing time is 2-6 weeks.
In the meantime, you will receive a provisional driving licence or transitional driving licence. This, together with the identity card, is sufficient as proof of driving licence during checks and must be carried with you until you have received a replacement driving licence.
Special case: moped driving licence
If you lose your moped driving licence, you don't have to go to the local driving licence authority, the next TÜV office is sufficient. There you will find lists of all passed moped exams, so that you can easily apply for a new driver's license.

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You don't have a license yet? Well then discover now in our search a driving school in your proximity, which fits exactly to you.